C Scan Ultrasonic Testing: Customized Systems
In addition to its extensive range of standard immersion systems, ScanMaster provides customized inspection solutions to meet customer's specific requirements. Such systems are specially designed by our in-house engineering team and are integrated with ScanMaster core modules (digital ultrasonic instrumentation, production-oriented software packages and servo motion control hardware) to provide a fully integrated solution tailored to the customer's needs.
Customized systems utilize conventional or phased array ultrasonic techniques to provide immersion or squirter inspection. Additional modules such as turntables, bar-rotator, yokes, and other standard or specially designed accessories may also be integrated.

C Scan Ultrasonic Testing: Customized Systems
In addition to its extensive range of standard immersion systems, ScanMaster provides customized inspection solutions to meet customer's specific requirements. Such systems are specially designed by our in-house engineering team and are integrated with ScanMaster core modules (digital ultrasonic instrumentation, production-oriented software packages and servo motion control hardware) to provide a fully integrated solution tailored to the customer's needs.
Customized systems utilize conventional or phased array ultrasonic techniques to provide immersion or squirter inspection. Additional modules such as turntables, bar-rotator, yokes, and other standard or specially designed accessories may also be integrated.
C Scan Ultrasonic Testing: Systems Gallery
C-Scan Inspector (CSI)
ScanMaster’s CSI software, provides sophisticated yet intuitive tools for system control.
The software enables programming of part geometry, ultrasonic instrument parameters, scan parameters, scan plan sequences and data collection parameters. The software has a single integrated display for control of motion axes, the ultrasonic instrument, Teach-in, scanning and data processing.
The display includes on-line presentation of A, B and C-scans, as well as a 3-D display of part and transducer advancement during scans. The CSI software features an image-processing package that includes a set of standard reports. Customized reports can also be supplied. This package can also operate on off-line stations.

Features and Benefits
- Customized architecture to match parts geometry and inspection requirements
- Specifically tailored robust and precise mechanics
- Phased array or multi-channel conventional scanning technology
- Supply or integration of material handling devices, such as industrial robots
- Implementation of industry proven software tools